
It is said what scares you makes you stronger, though this trip does not look scary which it definitely wasn’t, it does give you a tingle in the stomach thinking of going to a foreign country and staying and sleeping at other people homes. We did not know how the trip was going to be or how the kids were going to react to us. We had big expectations and we were not disappointed. On the trip over to Greece it was a mixed feeling, both of excitement and stress. I mean going to Greece is just amazing, meeting new people, and of course not going to school. But there were also some nerves there. When we arrived, we stayed at that gorgeous hotel in Athens. Then going to Acropolis was just crazy, when you have seen it so many times in movies and pictures, just so beautiful and breathtaking of thinking how many years it has stood there and been thru so much. Then meeting the people. We were just blown away how everybody where especially nice, all of our worries flew out the window. All that time we spent together with everybody was so much fun. Every minute was a new experience and amazing. Every day you made a new friend and the number of our snapchat friends just kept on growing. We visited Kalambaka and went on a hike. Everything was so beautiful and the mountains incredible and so different. The walk was very nice and chill, and the view was to die for. Then seeing the monastery was so historic and thinking just how the managed to built it all the way up in the mountain. We grouped up and did things together with other kids and then all met up then later all together to have fun and got to know each other better. That was so much fun and like living that Greek life.
What we got from this trip is more confidence, of going up to people and just start talking and making friends. We got experience, seeing the coulter and living it and seeing all these unbelievable natural beauties and building. Just thinking how the history of Greece is much much older than the history our country. The monastery that we visited was incredible, and how it was build. And of course, we made friends, the most amazing friends. What we are 100% sure of is that we wanted the trip to be longer, much longer. We did not want it to end. The feeling of being there was incredible the friendships, but we will meet again. Hopefully will these relationships go on thriving. It was just such a pleasure to go on this trip, experience of a lifetime.

Thank you, everybody